In order for healthcare facilities to perform smoothly, collaboration between all departments must occur. When the continuity of collaboration is disrupted, it is imperative to identify and correct the disruption. The purpose of this paper is to review forms of collaboration and barriers in the healthcare setting between providers and patients. Forms of Collaboration Inside the façade known as the hospital is a multidisciplinary team working together to ensure the patient’s healthcare needs are
Mentoring experience paper My mentor is an ambulatory care pharmacist. The social need for pharmacists have been amplified with the rise of medication management services. The role and responsibilities of pharmacists have evolved within the last couple of years as the focus shifts from the retail setting to the patient care management. The focus of this “new” process is the patient. The roles of pharmacists have been sidelined within the past few decades, where the pharmacist was solely responsible
The Connecticut Nurse Practice Act defines advance nursing practice as the " performance of advanced level nursing practice activists that, by virtue of post basic specialized education and experience, are appropriate to and may be performed by an APRN". This act describes the role of an APRN as one that "performs acts of diagnosis and treatment of alternations in health status" including collaborating under a physician to prescribe, dispense, and administer therapeutic and corrective medical interventions
Kudama and Mandle (2014) suggested that the modern movement for nurse practitioners began in 1965, which allowed nurses to become primary care providers in various health care settings. The purpose of this paper is to look at the role and settings of the Family Nurse Practitioner. Advance Practice Nursing