Use Of Imagery In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson

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Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde in Bournemouth 1885. As he was writing the book he was trying to fight off an illness. The original idea came to him from a nightmare. As his wife awoke him he said he was disappointed the she woke him up because he said it was a Fine bogey-tale. In the novel Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses imagery, diction, and details to create a intense mood. In Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde imagery is a large part of this intense story. “with a slight change in voice…”(49). This quote shows how when he was talking to someone how his voiced changed for a specific reason. “ six O'clock struck on the bells of the church”(57). A Mr, Utterson was solving a problem involving Hyde when he heard the

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