Integrative Practice Framework Analysis

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The integrative practice framework entails the application of knowledge, skills and values from the five conceptual frameworks, which have multiple practice approaches. The five conceptual frameworks that integrative practice focuses on are the ecological perspective, empowerment theory, strengths perspective, distributive justice model, and cross cultural perspective. The integrative practice framework also entails change factors that include: client system, the relationship between worker and client system, hope and expectancy, and the practice approach. The integrative practice framework can also be applied in a micro practice approach as well as a macro practice approach. This learning brief will focus on the ecological perspective…show more content…
health care system, and fear of detection by immigration authorities, all limiting undocumented individuals the ability to access health services (Berk & Schur, 2001). Undocumented individuals are also regularly limited in their ability to access care by a lack of health insurance and sufficient financial resources to pay for services (Loue, 1992). The limited accessibility to health care not only affects undocumented immigrants on an individual level, but also on the community level (Kullgren, 2003). Many undocumented workers are employed in the agricultural and food service settings where they can easily facilitate the spread of communicable diseases to others (Fallek, 1997). It is important to note that many times undocumented individuals fear of deportation drives them to pursue treatments through underground channels as reported by Johns and Varkoutas (1998). In a study by Ku and Matani (2009), they found that about 41 percent of adult immigrants and 38 percent of immigrant children had no doctor/nurse or emergency room visits in a year; which was about double the rate of native adults (21 percent) and children of citizens (13…show more content…
Caplan (2007) identified three major stressors among Latino immigrants: instrumental/environmental, social/interpersonal, and societal. These instrumental/environmental stressors include challenges obtaining goods and services needed for one’s day-to-day life, such as employment, access to health care, and language abilities (Caplan, 2007). In a study by Arbona et al. (2010), they found that compared with their documented counterparts, undocumented immigrants reported lower levels of English proficiency. It is said that this is in part due to acculturative stress that undocumented Latinos encounter. Acculturative stress can be defined as the psychosocial strain experienced by immigrants in response to challenges encountered in the process of adapting to cultural differences in a new country (Arbona et al.,

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