Injustice In Canada

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It was them who first came to this land, living here for millennia, yet it was them who were forced to live a life like ours and give up their tradition. They gave us the gift of survival in this new land, but what we gave them, was the wrong gift. Teachers tell us it was unfair, but why does it still happen, if that’s what people think? Many many rules and laws of injustice have been cast on Aboriginals, pulling them and us into deeper and deeper distrust. The problems they face are far greater than what we intended and expected, both in the past and the present. Problems: Past and Present The Aboriginal population in Canada is sinking into greater poverty. In the past, most reserves couldn’t afford to live out of a third-world condition…show more content…
For example, the nationwide 'experiment' of assimilation, the Indian Residential School, where students were treated very harshly. According to the 2011 Aboriginal Survey from Statistics Canada, only 22.8% of the Aboriginals have completed high school and/or post-secondary education, thus creating unemployment issues for careers involving training and technical knowledge. The dropout rate of Aboriginals is also a whopping 58% on reserve, and still a high 30% off reserve while the Canadian average is only 10%. The education style of Aboriginals changed drastically since the establishment of colonies: they now went to schools, whether on or off reserve, rather than how they used to learn survival skills from their parents and older siblings, and character traits or life lessons from the…show more content…
Aboriginal peoples have a suicide rate much higher than non-Aboriginals. Inuit youth suicide rate is 11 times the national average - one of the highest in the world. “Suicide and self-inflicted injuries are the leading causes of death for First Nations youth and adults up to 44 years of age.” was stated in A Statistical Profile on the Health of First Nations in Canada for the Year 2000, Health Canada, 2003. Besides suicide, there are also many unsolved cases of murder and missing indigenous women and girls. A report from United Nations this year found that young aboriginal women are five times more likely to die under violent circumstances compared to their non-Aboriginal counterparts. Out of all of those tragic problems Aboriginals struggle with, one that really shouldn’t be is that they are ashamed of their past. Face it, they’ve got and interesting culture too, with fascinating spiritual beliefs and celebrations, one that we should all honor to be a part of our society. Drop all our differences, we’re all people, we all have our beliefs, our culture, our ways of life. They aren’t the people you had in mind, they just want to be who they

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