Japanese Discrimination In Canada Essay

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Canada consists of immigrants from all over the world, so it is a multicultural society. There are about thirty thousand Chinese immigration come to Canada each year since the 1800s, and the amount of people who from all over the world came to Canada is roughly two hundred and fifty thousand per year. It means the Chinese are the main group of the immigrants. The first wave of Japanese immigrants is between 1877 and 1928, and most of them settled in a small village in British Columbia. They make a living by fishing. At the early time, both groups had many difficult experience in Canada, but they built their new lives in the new land by overcoming obstacles. After the World War II happened, Japanese Canadians began to face discrimination and…show more content…
Japanese immigrants were suffered discriminate by the Canadian government, and Chinese immigrants were suffering as well. However, the situation of Japanese immigrants was different from Chinese people because of World War II. Canada declared they will against Japan and attack the Japanese army. In this circumstance, every Japanese immigrants in Canada became an “enemy alien”. In 1942, Canadian government detained 20,881 Japanese as security threats. The people who were detained included the man, the woman, even the children and the elder. They were placed on inland campus in British Columbia. The men were forced to work on farms as free labor, and also they were placed on the dangerous projects. After the government evacuate them at the later, they were not allowed to back to British Columbia in the next 7 years. In addition, all Japanese were unable to travel more than 12 miles from their residence or change the address without the government’s permission. If they want to go out, they had to register and report to the RCMP every two weeks. So All Japanese in Canadian were monitored by the government. It made the Japanese feel unfair and

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