Inhumanity In Lord Of The Flies

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In the Roman Empire, England, France, and the Middle East, ever since people have been around, there has always been conflict and fighting. A common theme in war is inhumanity. For example, in World War I mustard gas would produce terrible blisters on soldiers who were exposed to it. Empathy for those suffering young men was not present in those causing the pain. While war is still ongoing in the world, Europe is much more peaceful today then it was a hundred years ago and people in general are being taught to resolve conflict in a humane way. Since William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies there have been many improvements in society over the last 70 years. While William Golding was alive, teenagers were often mean and inhumane like those portrayed…show more content…
Golding would be fascinated and satisfied to know that society today accepts people’s differences and tries to help them out, something that didn’t happen in the 1950s. Nowadays, people are willing to help others when something tragic arises. In “Lord of the Flies” a plane crashes and the boys aboard are forced to survive on the deserted island. Ralph, the original leader, needs to build shelter but he ends up, “working with Simon” and “No one else” while the rest of the boys are “bathing, or eating, or playing” (Golding, 50). These lines suggest that during the 1950s, and in the book, people were not likely to help each other. Since Golding is a religious man, he would not approve of people that do not help each other (Kruger, 90). In recent history, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, causing immense flooding and damage. Texas is different from the rest of the United States culturally, yet people from around the country were able to put aside these differences and help those in need. For example, Anheuser-Busch stopped its beer production in order to make cans of water for those in need. Though this cost the company profit, they were willing to sacrifice their prosperity simply to help others. Golding would be

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