Ralph Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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From the beginning to end, Golding structured the novel Lord of the Flies around the ideas of man's fallen nature and his inhumanity to others. The novel begins with a bunch of boys who have tried to escape the savagery of a nuclear war. They crash on a beautiful tropical island. The boys are happy to be there, away from rules and adults. But they quickly turn their freedom into a nightmare, changing from civilized to primitive; in the process they become savages. Jack is Ralph's antagonist in the novel; he’s a boy with the fiery temperament in the novel. During the novel, Jack is in constant conflict with Ralph, as he feels that he should be the leader. He tells his boys to hunt, drives them to savage behaviour, organizes a rebellion against Ralph, and plans a raid on Ralph's camp. He represents the base and savagery nature of human beings.…show more content…
To show his excitement, he stands on his head, foreshadowing the nature of things to come. He is a mild- tempered boy who accepts leadership when it is forced on him. He befriends Piggy, a fat boy who gets teased from the other boys, and learns to rely on Piggy's for his superior knowledge. Ralph has courage when the situation demands for it, but he longs for civilized manner, especially when civilized actions stop on the island. He dreams about a rescue and he insists the signal fire should burn at all times so that they can be rescued. Ralph knows that the main reason for the trouble on the island is Jack, the antagonist in the novel. Ralph portrays civilized thinking, while Jack portrays savage. In the middle of the savagery, Ralph holds on to rationality and the hope of rescue. But in one occasion Ralph falls into savagery; it happens when he joins the ritual dance. The guilt that Ralph experiences is unbearable. It forces him to accept the nature of all
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