Industrial Revolution Impact On Western Society

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The Industrial Revolution is taught in seemingly every history class offered to students across the world. In the decades since its actual occurrence, the revolution has been tagged as being just another historical period, except this time big machines and child labor are involved. However, the impacts of the industrial revolution go far past their set timeframe of the late18th and early 19th centuries. The Industrial Revolution set up the framework for modern societies in nations all over the world. New technologies and ideologies are just a few major impacts that are owed entirely to the Industrial Revolution. Although much of today’s way of life is indebted to the Industrial Revolution, the Ottoman Empire was not so lucky. The impacts made in western society, especially Europe, were considered to be improvements, while these changes would be, essentially, the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Britain is coined for being the birthplace of the revolution. Many of the classic industrial innovations began here, largely due to the potential of its land. Once the proper machinery was made, the natural resources of the surrounding waterways and deposits could be extracted. This allowed Britain to prosper and to become the model of the Industrial Revolution in Western society. Inventions…show more content…
It attacked both liberalism and conservatism. It took the ideas of liberalism but applied them to the working class; it wanted to completely reorganize society. Socialism was largely based in France and it was founded on the principals of cooperation rather than competition. Socialists found that humanity is best when everyone is bound together harmoniously and that if private properties were abolished, all citizens would benefit. It was remarkable in that it believed the rich and poor should be economically equal. Socialism was often threatened when fraternal feelings were violated and when authority was
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