Imperialism In Great Britain Research Paper

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Imperialism played a major role in the economic successes of the Western nations of Europe, namely Great Britain. It was apparent that without the Industrial Revolution, the organization of the nation-state, and the advancement of trade through imperialism during the nineteenth century, the growth of Great Britain's empire may not have been so tremendous. Although England was already a leading European colonial power in the early nineteenth century, rapid expansions were still to be made due to the growth of the empire (West). Advancing technology, transportation, and manufacturing was detrimental when it came to the pollution and degradation of the various regions that the emerging empire was associated with; but imperialism led to profound…show more content…
Mass production, interchangeable parts, and coal-smelted iron all became ways that Great Britain found that were more efficient and inexpensive when it came to manufacturing guns, hardware, and tools (Bulliet 550-573). Innovations pushed during the Industrial Revolution included the mass production through the division of labor, new machines and mechanization, major increase in manufacture of iron, the steam engine, and the electronic telegraph. Mass production was the making of many identical items by breaking the process into simple repetitive tasks for the workers. Josiah Wedgwood started his own business using the division of labor. Although he was not a potter himself, he learned from his parents that without interruption, the production of the pottery was more efficient and cheaper. To ensure there were no interruptions during the process, he instituted strict discipline (Bulliet 550-573). Mechanization used machines to do work previously done by hand. Richard Arkwright invented the water frame which produced thread strong enough to be used without linen. The steam engine, being the first machine to transform fossil fuels to mechanical energy, and the railroad that consumed only one-third of the coal used by the steam engine,…show more content…
Between 1650 and 1850, the population grew from 100 million to 266 million because of Great Britain's built up resistance to disease, and abundance of reliable food supplies to keep the British healthy (Bulliet 550-573). Within the Industrial Revolution was the Agricultural Revolution, which provided an increased food supply to fast-growing urban populations and forced many peasants off of land. Those that were prosperous landowners could afford to attempt the risk of trying new farming methods and new crops, like the potato and maize from the Americas (Bulliet

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