Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Literature Review

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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Narsana, B., & Mukherjee, A (2015). Issues and trends in the Indian Pharma Industry. Express Pharma: This article examines the legacy and the issues that are faced by the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The writers have covered various points in their article ranging from the growth of the Indian pharmaceutical industry to the future of the IPI. A number of ways to improve the industry for all the parties involved have been suggested, for instance, the compulsory Better patent protection, compulsory licensing, Stricter trademark enforcement, etc. Providing a general outlook on the Mergers and acquisitions and their opinion towards foreign investments, they have stated how India is the next big research and development…show more content…
Progress of the Indian pharmaceutical industry: a shifting perspective. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practices, Oxford Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1: The present study aims at studying the growth and various transitional phases of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Talking about various laws and regulations from the Indian patents act and the impact of its formation in 1970, the authors state it to be the main reason of the fast growth and development of India’s pharmaceutical industry. Also, the amendment of the Indian Patent Act in 2005 has shifted the Indian pharmaceutical industry's focus from generic products to research based ‘NCEs’ and ‘novel drug delivery products’. The fact that the post TRIPs era saw vigorous activity in patenting in India has been pressed…show more content…
FDI Flows into the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: An Analysis of Trends and Constraints. Delhi: Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology: This research paper states that India’s economic reforms since 1990s and World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights have caused significant changes in the operational environment of the Indian pharmaceutical industry (IPI). With this point as the base, this study examines the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into the firms of IPI. It finds that the amount of FDI, the number of FDI recipient firms and the number of source countries of FDI are larger during the product patent regime as compared to the process patent regime. The factor analysis of primary data presents the perception of 64 sample firms of IPI as regards the main constraints of FDI inflows in the product patent

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