How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect China

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Introduction For many decades, China has always been technologically and economically ahead of Europe. The invention of gunpowder, printing, and the compass started in China and was later dispersed throughout Europe. These inventions changed China as much as they changed Europe. These inventions also caused a gap between China and Europe. By the late 18th century, industrial revolution first started its spread from Europe.The transformations within Europe began to further accelerate while China was falling behind. In Europe, economic transformation was accompanied by social transformation. The social and demographic changes that were taking place, created pressure for political change as well. Europe was expanding both demographically and…show more content…
For many centuries, China massive market and capacity for manufacturing are unparalleled in the world. Its continuous population increases urged its rulers to put an emphasis on developing energy-efficient technologies and agricultural strategies. China’s ability to prosper in such a period of time was a phenomenon of that era. Its labor-intensive agricultural system was able to produce enough supplies for its people, making China interdependence of other nations. Europe, on the other hand, did not follow China’s path. Europe integrated itself into the world order. Instead of focusing on labor-intensive industries, Europe showed more support for capital-intensive industries. During the late 18th century, there was a major growth of urbanization in England. New factories were built in the cities, causing many farmers to move to the cities for better economic opportunities. This shift of immigration contributed to Europe’s path toward industrial revolution. In addition, exploitation was also another contributor. Being able to exploit the African labor and the New World resources, there was no need for Europe to use their own labor forces or resources. In the Great Divergence, Pomeranz talked about the ‘ghost acreage’ in order to better explain how England industrialized through the utilization of resources from other…show more content…
After reaching its threshold level of scientific industrial revolution, China did not take the next step and this is when Europe accelerate. By the late 18th century, the none existence of scientific revolution shows why labor-intensive industries was predominant in China. China was struggling with technological advancement later on because the “Chinese preferred to put their best thinking into philosophy, art and other aesthetic and academic studies, tot he relative neglect of technology” (Picturing Technology in China, Golas). The Chinese was not willing to experiment their ideas. Unlike the Chinese, Europe fast technological advancements happened due to its ability to accept and willingness to do experiments and putting their ideas to test. When knowledge is confined to a small group of people and especially those who are ignorant of the topic, new invention could failed to emerge. In order for technological invention to succeed, the institution and culture that generated the idea and the institutions that supported it need to come

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