Importance Of Professional Social Work

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I firmly believe that I should be considered for upper division because I would bring many personal strengths and qualities to the social work program. I am an ardent team player with valuable communication skills that will help me succeed and excel in classes and in field work. I am extremely dedicated to my studies; and know that my quick learning and active listening skills will be beneficial for the program. I am sensitive to others, and my elevated levels of empathy and self-awareness will help me in the process of becoming a professional social worker. I am a well-organized student that can manage high stress situations effectively and can handle the weight of being a full-time student and actively participate in an internship. I am…show more content…
One example of a life challenge was emigrating from England and relocating to the United States of America in 2013. I faced many difficulties when it came to leaving my old life behind and starting a new life at the age of sixteen. Adjusting to a new culture was extremely daunting and starting a new school where I did not know anybody was extremely intimidating, especially knowing that school would be a lot different to what I was used to in England. The first few weeks of High School were extremely difficult for me on a personal level. I found it hard to integrate and interact with other students. I felt totally excluded from the rest of the students when I first attended my new high school. I spoke in a very different manner in comparison to people who had lived in South Carolina all their lives. It was difficult to be understood when I tried to converse, not only because I used entirely different words and phrases compared to the other students, but it was also hard for everyone else to understand what I was trying to…show more content…
It’s about being a reliable and trustworthy adult that a child can confide in, and having someone to look up to, trust and confide in when they are going through a particularly challenging time. I think that being a role model for a child can help instill positivity within the child’s life and gives them an opportunity to forget about their worries and enjoy different activities that they might not have had the opportunity to do, otherwise. Volunteering with homeless children would give them a different insight on life, giving them the motivation and encouragement to believe things will get better through different services and programs that will help the family get back on their feet. The anticipated impact of this type of community service would be providing some hope and direction to try and help better their situation and inspire them to fulfill their potential as a human being, who could then, live a value adding life themselves
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