Show And Tell Book Analysis

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Collaboration is the key to achieving everything In this day and age people tend to feel that reading is for entertainment purposes only and there is no real reason to take the time to understand how the reading can possibly to their lives. An author by the name of Scott McCloud has shown through his text how the teachings displayed in his comics can beneficial to people’s lives. This is especially shown in his Show and Tell piece from his book “Understanding Comics” in which he explains that words and images in comics go hand in hand when it comes to telling a story to the readers. The author does this through panels in which a man explains and shows you each lesson displayed throughout the reading as well as providing real world examples.…show more content…
In Show and Tell, McCloud talks about how we all started off using words and images interchangeably in order to explain ourselves or to get a message across. But as we grow older it seems society seems to frown upon this kind of thinking which is shown through the type of books we read as our age increases. But Scott believes that is a traditional sense of thinking and that words and images are great tools to telling stories, especially in comic books. After this Scott then goes on to explain that words and images can be combined in seven different ways in comics to get across a point. He also exclaims that words and images in comics are like partners in a dance and that if one or the other tries to completely take over it can keep from relaying the message it was supposed to originally relay. He also explains that the two complement each other and work off each other, as shown when he explains that “Pictures carry the weight of clarity in a scene, they free words to explore a wider area.” And when he explains “Words lock in the ‘meaning’ of a sequence then the pictures can really take off.” All of this just proves that words and images work together to express an action and ideals in…show more content…
The words and images he talks about are really people who are supposed to work together and work off each other in order to achieve a common goal. A reason to have to believe this is because he says things like “Pictures carry the weight of clarity in a scene, they free words to explore a wider area.” This is an example of how words use pictures in order to give a better output so that the two may convey a message the average reader may understand. His ideals apply to the people through the use of teamwork in everyday tasks, an example of this is tasks in an office place. It was shown that in an office place according to“When employees work together, they start helping each other and responsibilities are shared and thus it reduces the work load and work pressure. Every team member is assigned one or the other responsibility according to his specialization, level of interest and thus the output is much more efficient and faster.” This proves Scott’s point of working together in order to achieve
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