English Language In Indonesia

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In Indonesia, English in educational unit is placed in very essential point both as a subject to learn in the classroom and as a matter to test in any kinds of important test. In the classroom of Indonesian context, English has been taught and introduced since the very earlier educational level, such as in play group and primary school. It is also as a part of any important test, such as national examination test, entrance test, recruitment test, and so on. Therefore, English should have been integrated in Indonesian students. Unfortunately, the fact looks contrary. It is easily to find out the students in Indonesia who still difficult to communicate in English. Even, it is after spending for a decade or more in learning English in the classroom…show more content…
There were several influential studies on learning strategies that really powerful as the base in education development, especially on students’ learning. The experts studies of learning strategies popular by its classification. Hismanoglu (2000) had identified them by placing the Rubin’s classification in the first place. In this classification, there are three aspects are identified: learning strategies, communication strategies and social strategies. Learning strategies are, then, further divided into two major classes: cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies. Learning strategies also was claimed as the directly contributed strategies to learners’ learning, while communication strategies are less directly to the learners’ learning but contributed more to the students’ participation in conversation by comprehending the speakers’ intention. Or in other words, the communication strategies are the strategies to make the interaction meaningful. And the last is social strategies which are related to the students’ effort to practice their knowledge in naturalistic…show more content…
Simply, communication can be described as getting the message across (Savignon, 1983: 4). It means communication will take place when there is a process of sending and receiving messages, or in another word, there should be process of production of message (by sender) and understanding the message (by receiver). However, communication is more than it. In oral communication, its process should ensure that the messages are understood by the listeners and respond it as the speaker’s intention. Furthermore, the respond given should also ensure to be able to be interpreted and responded back by the sender (Rai, 2010: 3). This indicates that the sender is not only sending the message but also ensuring that the message is received and responded by the receiver appropriately, so does the receiver, he/she is not only receiving but also ensuring that the respond given can be interpreted and responded back by the source. Moreover, Richeit &Strohner (2008: 26) mention two elements that should be presented in communication, namely effectiveness and appropriateness. Effectiveness is about how sender and receiver access the intended meaning in communication, while appropriateness is about how communication is bound by other dimensions, such as rules, norms, or expectation, including the dimensions that stated

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