Importance Of Information Technology On Internal Auditing

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As we can conclude, Information Technology did have a great impact on Internal Auditing in Mauritius. Many firms and auditors have switched to a more paperless audit environment during the past years, as it helps to cope with competition, develop certain IT skills in auditors and above all, it brings along more benefits than drawbacks. This study has a basic significance in improving the current Auditing Field indicating the actual usage of IT in this particular framework in Mauritius. Indeed, the dimensions have been taken from existing literatures, which were used to study auditors’ perception in specific context but it is for the first time that some of the major factors are studied together leading to the Importance of IT in Internal…show more content…
Despite the advantages of IT, many internal auditors prefer the manual as they lack appropriate training and the systems are expensive to implement. This sometimes is due to managers who are reluctant to technological approach who focus more on people than IT. Nevertheless, there are also auditors using updated technologies by investments made in recent months. The impact of IT on internal audit showed positive reaction amongst internal auditors. Many of them agreed that audits are becoming paperless. Which means they are accepting the fact that integration of IT in audit is generating highly positive outcomes. Many internal auditors have accepted new technologies happily since they feel comfortable using them in their work and state that auditors who use updated technologies will excel others. Internal auditors using IT have a much better perception than those who do not use IT, which is consistent with the statement that they are comfortable with IT. During their work, the internal auditors came across clients who uses IT in their accounting systems. The auditors find this very helpful in their work as they state that it improves the quality of, audit, and decreases the average time taken if IT was not involved. This change shows that IT is important in auditing either directly or…show more content…
This is because of the quality of data that they have to use. Individually, mostly all auditors have a good perception on IT no matter what their age. They all notice the benefits and this means that elder internal auditors are comfortable with IT and their perception on it does not differ from the younger ones. It was found that as internal auditors use IT in their work, they will tend to develop a mechanistic behaviour and rely too much on the system. This tends to decrease their judgement. Influences on auditors since they do not have the sufficient knowledge to use the system in the right way. Higher qualified and educated auditors do not face these problems as their level of knowledge helps them to better understand IT. Auditors not using technologies will support such promotion as they see the advantages will have a great impact in internal audits. Industries clearly accept the fact that IT helped them in tremendous ways and they all show that such an integration is necessary. Higher qualified auditors tend to promote IT more than low qualified auditors. This is the lack of adequate training that makes it complex for auditors to understand audit systems and make the right use out of

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