Metabical Rhetorical Analysis

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4.1.2 Target Groups As the “Female Psychographic Segmentation Report Summary” demonstrates the de-mographic groups of 25 to 40 and 35 to 65 year olds were “motivated and willing to alter current behavior” and “ready to make a change”. The enclosed calculation shows that the patients with the greatest desire to make a change are the people with the highest household income. Two groups are embraced by that description: overweight individuals with an income higher than $60,000 corresponding to 20% of the respondents and over-weight individuals with an household income between $40,000-$60,000 equaling 11% of the interrogated persons. Based on that result a correlation between the level of educa-tion and income was established. The higher the level…show more content…
There are two target groups among women: those aged between 18 and 35 years focusing mainly on their looks and those elder than 35 years primarily bearing in mind the improvement of their health. That is a simplifying generalization of both target groups. There are of course also younger women already trying to alter their health con-dition as well as elderly women among the overweight caring about their appearance. Physicians however should prescribe Metabical to young women aged between 18 and 25 only if it is necessary to improve their state of health, not as an easy method for weight loss and better looks. The aspect of appearance may lead to mental trouble when individuals have failed repeatedly to lose weight with conventional alternatives. Metabical provides also the solution for this kind of problems. While women are the main target group of the marketing campaign, men are naturally not excluded from the usage of Metabical. Separate marketing strategies addressing primarily overweight men will not be developed, physicians indicate the possibility of using Metabical to affected men. The duty of physicians is to prescribe the drug to men as well as women whenever it is…show more content…
To be on diet signifies the attempt to maintain a certain weight or to achieve weight loss by adjusting one's food patterns. 108 million people are on diet throughout the US at any time. The most famous program for dieting is Weight Watchers, a weight management system that has become a part of life for millions of people across the globe. Weight Watchers is clearly the dominant compa-ny among weight-loss centers and programs earning approximately $1.2 billion a year. The core philosophy defining Weight Watchers' programs is to use a science-based ap-proach. The intention is to help participants losing weight by eating consciously, getting more exercise and providing further support. In addition to Weight Watchers membership diet sheets and other products such as packaged food, exercise equipment and DVDs are available for purchase. Weight Watchers possesses a market share of

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