Importance Of Human Rights

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Human rights is one of the most basic institutes in the international public law. Despite its broad meaning it has a huge importance for each individual. It is possible to compare human rights with air: people do not see such thing. Most of us rarely think about it. However the lack or violations of human rights quickly becomes noticeable and in some cases even mortally dangerous. The states as political formations are not providing human rights to the citizens but each power has an obligation to ensure the compliance and establishment of these freedoms and moral principles, that describe certain standards of human behavior in the field of their governance. Human rights are equal and should be respected by everyone. It is impossible to…show more content…
Although the term “human rights” is relatively modern, the basis of this concept can be traced back to the days of ancient Greece and Roman law, and can be founded in the concept of natural law (1, p. 201 The idea of human rights had its written legal consolidation starting from the XII century. The “Magna Carta” is traditionally considered to be the first legal act in which laid the foundations of the human rights concept, created conditions for further establishment of freedom and the rule of law in society. (2. p.264-266 This and many other legal document gives the beginning for the modern conception of the human rights in the nowadays world. The history shows that human rights and freedoms was always discussable topic in all the territories throughout all the time and was a basis and the essential element of the free and democratic…show more content…
This relatively newly re-established state has its own history and legal traditions. Ukraine is a democratic and free country which people are sharing the international values of human rights. Even being the part of the USSR after the World War II Ukraine took an active role in the development and adoption of basic international legal documents on human rights. However today Ukraine and its citizens found themselves in a very difficult and at the same time challenging situation. During last two years the level of violations of human rights has been significantly increased. (3, This was mainly caused with the events that were related to the massive protests of people against the government in Ukraine and the external aggression from the neighboring state of Russian Federation. On November 21st 2013 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides to stop the process of preparation for the signing of the economical association agreement with the European Union casing the beginning of the demonstrations on the square of
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