Importance Of Ethics In Education

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"Business schools have been giving students some education in ethics for at least the past 25 or 30 years, and we still have problems," says John Delaney, dean of University of Pittsburgh's College of Business Administration and Katz Graduate School of Business. Nowadays, many universities have put ethics courses in their curriculums in the hope that they will be able to produce intelligent graduates, who are also can move the society forward with good deeds. Nevertheless, many have raised a question whether ethics courses are actually practical or they are just simply useless and are the waste of time. The unsuitable ages of students and the inability to apply lessons in real life are the reasons why ethics courses should not be taught in the universities.…show more content…
According to Kohlberg’s Theoretical Model on Moral Development, it revealed that character development has already occurred by the time an individual reaches college age. Learning ethics at the college level is too late because ethics are taught through one's upbringing under the influence of one's family and friends. Moreover, the goal of the ethics courses is “to involve the students in practical experiences, making them aware of their own feelings, their own ideas, their own beliefs, so that the choices and decisions they make are conscious and deliberate, based on their own value systems.” (Simon, Howe, and Kirschenbaum, 1987). The students’ feelings, ideas, and beliefs had already set and realized by themselves through their upbringings. Taking ethics courses at such ages is not going to change their attitudes or mindsets and turn them into a better person. Therefore, ethics courses should not be taught at the university

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