Importance Of Environmental Pollution

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The condition and quality of the environmental degradation caused by the activity of the industry. The exploitation of natural resources for the benefit of most cause damage that cannot be repaired on the Earth and man in it. For example, coal has many functions and benefits in the areas of industry, however, coal mining has resulted in widespread deforestation, soil erosion, loss of water resources, air pollution, and damage to the integrity of social communities living near mining locations. Coal mining massive scrape up the soil, decreases the level of the surface of the water, and generate millions of tons of toxic waste, as well as result in the community homeless. The abandoned post mining exploited out, leaving a myriad of problems…show more content…
Companies that violate these provisions shall replace the loss to the amount of the penalty amount is enough to renew the damage-damage done. For local and foreign entrepreneurs should need to be more aware and start setting aside an adequate budget for the welfare of this community around the factory and business location. Attention will constitute a social responsibility demands for this ongoing business activities. Fourth, strengthen the operations to carry out the enforcement of legislation in the field of the environment, prevention of and sanctions against the perpetrators of environmental pollution and destruction/theft/killing of flora and fauna. Fifth, strengthen the KPK operation activities in conducting the inquiry, investigation, and prosecution of corruption in the sector of environment. Corruption in the sector of the environment often occurs, but it seems less attention from law enforcement officials. One form of corruption in this sector is the issuance of the permits that do not comply with the legislation. The issuance of the permits of this sort will result in an increasingly rapid deforestation and land over the function as well as from forests into plantations uncontrollably. Sixth, strengthen the operations of the National Spatial Coordination Agency ("BKPRN") to conduct an inventory of the forest, solving the overlap of the utilization of the space

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