Environmental Detterioration In India

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Environmental deterioration could eventually endanger life of present and future generations. Therefore, the right to life has been used in a diversified manner in India. It includes, inter alia, the right to survive as a species, quality of life, the right to live with dignity and the right to livelihood. In India, this has been expressly recognised as a constitutional right. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution states: 'No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedures established by law.' The Supreme Court expanded this negative right in two ways. Firstly, any law affecting personal liberty should be reasonable, fair and just. Secondly, the Court recognised several unarticulated liberties that were…show more content…
India parliament passed many statutes to protect and improve the environment viz. Wildlife (protection) Act, 1972; Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974; the forest (conservation) Act, 1989; the air (prevention and control of pollution) Act,1981 and above all the Environment (protection) Act, 1986. Further the constitutional (forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976 incorporated two significant articles viz. Article 48-A and 51A (g) thereby making the Indian Constitution the first in the world conferring constitutional status to the environment protection. An international conference on Environmental education was conducted at New Delhi which called for a massive programme on environmental education, research and monitoring emphasizing on the need for both formal and informal education, which should start right from the childhood stressing for the need of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and specialized institutions to come forward for teaching and training towards protection of the…show more content…
M.C Mehta v. Union of India The apex court directed the closure of certain industries that were not showing any progress towards setting up of air- pollution control system in compliance with their earlier order. 10. Indian council for Enviro-Legal action v. Union of India It is also popularly known as the coastal zone protection case, the apex court took a serious view of the executive‟s lethargic attitude in implementing the laws meant for the protection of right to life and directed them to implement the relevant laws strictly to maintain ecological balance. Conclusion At present, all of us all over the globe face grave environmental problems. The continuing deterioration of earth‟s ecological reserves poses a serious threat to the pollution free environment. One of the most complex challenges facing our generation is to maintain a workable synergy between sustainable economic development and pollution free environment. The factors which have contributed most directly to the excessive pressure on the environment and natural resources in India are:- 1. A doubling of the region‟s population over the past four

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