Purpose In Environmental Law

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I intend to specialise in environmental law in the faculty of law graduate program at McGill University. Studying and researching on the need for proper implementation and enforcement of environmental legislations in order to curb the effect of solid waste on our health and environment is my research aspiration. The premises of environmental legislation is based on the facts that the amount of degradation of the environment has grown to enormous proportion and moreover, these legislations are made to control man’s activities and consequently, compliance must be ensured because environmental legislation without effective compliance or enforcement will have no significant impact on saving the environment. My decision of pursuing a master of…show more content…
Furthermore, the active measures currently implemented to protect the environment and the challenges that prevent these protection measures from being complied with and the consequences of non-compliance. My knowledge of environmental law was further solidified with real life case scenario on the environments. These cases spanned across areas where environmental degradation has largely affected, to its effects and the present state of the lives therein and the environment itself. Consequently, these have imbued in me the passion, and theoretical knowledge needed to excel in graduate school. Furthermore, as a final year student, my project was titled “The legal response to the control and management of water pollution” Using Nigeria as a case study. I conducted a research on areas affected by water pollution. Here I was able to note the causes of water pollution, the effect on the environment on humans, animals, plants, et cetera and the present state of affected areas. Also, I further researched on the measures taken by the government to control and protect the lives of individuals, livestock and the environment and how effective this has…show more content…
I had this mindset after sedulously analysing other countries that have the enactment of stringent laws with no thought of compromising. Ensuring that the wrong done in their environment is totally corrected. An example is the federal water pollution control Act 1972 of the United State. This enactment sets high standards of water quality and requires industrial polluters to meet increasingly stringent controls. No discharge can be made without a permit from the state based on federal guidelines, and no permits will be issued for highly radioactive wastes or for chemical and biological warfare agents. The law sets stiff penalties for exceeding the allowed discharge rates. A similar law can be enacted in Nigeria to minimise the level of discharge into our rivers, to make them safe for both domestic and industrial

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