Importance Of Discovery Method

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What is Discovery Method: Discovery Method is a learning that is based on the constructuristic approach where the learner constructs ones own understanding on a problem or a concept based on self made questions or experiments or group discussions. And due to such constructive thinking patterns, it is presumed that the learner will understand the concept at a deeper level than compared to information that’s plainly presented by a teacher in a classroom situation (Joolingen, 1999) When and How did this Method Evolve Discovery Method has been an innovation by Jerome Bruner, who in the 1960s and 1970s while, working at the National Science Foundation believed that the science curriculum should promote discovery learning. Bruner stated that ‘Discovery…show more content…
John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget who spoke about their outlooks also supported the principle behind this method that discovery learning identities students as active participants in the teaching-learning process by their self exploration and self driven questioning technique (Dewey, 1916; Piaget, 1954). The literal meaning of Discovery springs up from the basic psychological principle of ‘Learning by Doing’. Another fact upon which discovery learning is based is what is prescribed by the National Sciences Education Standards of the U. S. highlighting on learning of science to be an active and dynamic process. Learning science happens when students do and should not be limited to just teaching in a science classroom. Science demands students to be intricate and to collectively contribute to scientific inquiry. Thus it requires both the physical aspects of hands-on activities and the mental aspects of minds-on as…show more content…
If student’s come up with the idea of composting, the teacher then asks them to write down all that they know about composting, which could be simple composting that is done at some of their homes. Step 6: The student pairs are given 15 – 20 minutes to discuss based on a few questions like - List out the biodegradables that were collected in the Wet Waste Bin - What could be the possible conditions required for composting - What kind of organisms enhances decay of biodegradables - How do the organisms bring about decomposition - How many days would it take for the compost to be formed - How can it be stored - What are the precautions that need to be taken to avoid contamination - Why should composting be done Step 7: The student pairs now could present their findings and after all have presented, the teacher declares the discussion open for all students. Conclusion Step 8: The teacher now concludes by including all valid points of the findings, appreciates the class and calls them as scientists of the future. Then the teacher helps students identify the BIG FOUR ingredients of compost as browns, greens, air and water. Teacher cites examples of waste from each category and then concludes by stating that the next class would include making a compost pit at
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