Importance Of Culture In Malaysia

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Malaysia is a multi-rational, multi-cultural country that consist of three main race, Malays, Chinese, and Indians, and many more small different races throughout Malaysia. The Malaysia’s society is embrace with a majority of Muslim population and followed by the Buddhist and Hindu. All of this had made Malaysian well known for their laid back, warm and friendly personality that makes it easier to communicate and get along with. Tourism Malaysia had “Truly Asia” as their slogan that sets a meaning of a person can truly understands every single details of what the Asian country have. Malaysia encapsulate a tropical rainforest with the all year long tropical climate, high humidity, high temperature and copious rainfall, that is the main reasons…show more content…
We all know that English language is the most important and widespread used language in the world that have never stop expanding throughout the world for acceptance. There is a saying says that during the past, the two main English speaking countries rule the world with their strength, advanced technology, economic power, and wealth that made English language well-known in the world. English language was believed that it was brought into Malaysia during colonization of the English in the past and was developed into the second language in Malaysia to build internal relations and communicate. Malaysia government developed English language in Malaysia is mainly because they were aware that English language plays an important role for the international communication and development tool, although Malay language had been taken as the national language of Malaysia and legitimately used since the past. Presently, English language is widely used in school education as well as in the service industry. English language had formerly been made as a compulsory subjects in the Malaysia education system together with the national language. The main objective of this education system is hoping to bring out students who are capable of doing effective communication through focusing more on language. Asmah (1982) says that this main objective is hoping to teach students to be able to speak and understood by people all around the world but not only in Malaysia in terms of speaking ability. Meanwhile in the service industry, Malaysian is aware that English language is an important tool for both business and tourism. Malaysia had recognized English language as the main language for communication since the influx of nationwide organizations and tourist from all over the

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