Essay On Flood In The Philippines

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“Any flow which is relativity high and which overtops the natural or artificial banks in any reach of a river may be called flood”. As the rainy season officially starts, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (formerly MUST) is as well preparing as the rain start pouring. The university was build near a creek Bitan-ag Creek to be exact. According to the study conducted by the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) it would only take a rise of 3 meters of water level from Bitan-ag creek to cause flooding in the vicinity of University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (MUST). Last January 16, 2017 the city of Cagayan De Oro particularly in the area of Lapasan was under the state of calamity due to flooding which was caused by excessive rain. Water mixed with mud and garbage from the Bitan-ag creek spills through the street of lapasan. Many people were affected by the flash flood from the creek. Some house washed away, cars drowned and people were stranded and was unable to return to their…show more content…
The Deparment of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in Northern Mindanao also acknowledged this creek has failed to prevent flooding in the vicinity of Lim Ket Kai Complex and the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTSP) The creek was designed to hold more water but failed due to garbage from upstream clogged the creek, which cause a dam-like effect, spilling more water and mud into the national highway. Even though there was an excessive rain in the night of January 16th there are still another factors that contributes to the flooding particularly the tons of garbage that clogged the drainage systems of the city and shanties that stood in waterways. If only the drainage systems worked properly the flash flood could have been avoided. It is necessary that people recognize flooding as part of their

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