Imperialism In The Roman Empire

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Throughout history, mankind has taken notice to the fact that history tends to repeat itself. Mistakes made in the past will most likely be repeated in the future. One instance, in particular, is imperialism. Imperialism is “the policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by establishing economic and political hegemony over other nations.”(The American Heritage College Dictionary). Imperialism does not always have to be a bad thing, but the way it has been implemented throughout the course of history has given it an unethical connotation. Imperialism usually results in the mistreatment of the people indigenous to the country losing its independence. While imperializing a country, violence may be used to intimidate…show more content…
They used imperialism to keep order within the countries they colonized. Imperialism is often related to military coercion and violence, but more often than not, cultural oppression is the greater problem (Dixon 6). The Romans invaded many countries, forcing their religion, government, and overall culture on to the indigenous people. They oppressed the aboriginal people by exerting fear and power upon them. As soon as the Roman Empire began to oppress and control the natives of the countries they invaded, they could never allow liberation for the people. If the government were to allow imperialism to subside, the people of the country might view this as a sign of weakness and take their opportunity to rise against the Romans. Once the Romans became tyrannical, they lost the choice to peacefully govern over the countries they…show more content…
As a soldier of the British Empire, stationed in Burma, he is obligated to uphold the standards by which his tyrannical hierarchy has set, many of which go against his ethics. He is filled with an immense amount of guilt from being involved in the oppression aimed at the Burmese. When he is faced with the decision of shooting the elephant, Orwell is conflicted with his morals and the pressures the Burmans place on him. He does not feel that it is the right choice to shoot the elephant, but he is afraid of appearing weak and becoming a mockery in the eyes of the Burmese. Orwell’s experience can be compared to the larger picture of the British imperializing Burma and being pressured to “govern with an iron fist”. Orwell states, “that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys.”(Orwell 151). The Burmese expect Orwell to shoot the elephant just like they expect the British Empire to be tyrannical. Similar to the Roman Empire, once the British Empire became tyrannical they lost the option to peacefully govern the

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