Identity Political Influence On Presidential Elections

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Identity politics have had a nation wide impact on all American elections. The effect of identity politics can be closely seen if one looks at the presidential elections of the United States. Identity politics play a role in almost every election that involves more than a single race voting. One of the most recent examples of identity politics having an impact on an election would be the 2008 presidential election of Barrack Obama versus John Mccain. One can also see how identity politics have an effect on the political parties of the United States. The 2008 presidential election was a race between Barrack Obama and John Mccain. Obama won the election but not by as many votes as the general public thought he was going to win by. In fact, Obama only narrowly beat Mccain with just 52.9 percent of the popular vote. If identity politics were not a factor in the race Obama would have won the election by a much greater amount of votes. Simply put, Obama would have won the race with a landslide vote if he was not of African American dissent.…show more content…
Political surveys that were conducted in the 1990’s show that identity politics have an effect on American elections. The general public was asked to take a survey on if they would vote for an African American presidential candidate or not. The survey results yielded in less than thirty percent of American citizens would have a problem with voting for an African American president. While the percentage of Americans who said they would not vote on an African American presidential candidate are low, they still play a large effect in politics. The effect of identity politics on Obama does not stop

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