The Three Punic Wars

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The three Punic Wars were a series of wars fought between the two great powers at the time, which were Carthage and Rome. They fought between 264 BCE and 146 BCE. Rome was a small city that led to a great empire. They were the power of the whole Italian peninsula. While on the other hand Carthage started off as a small port and grew to become the richest and most powerful city. They were the great power of the Mediterranean peninsula. They had a powerful navy, and a mercenary army. Rome at the time had a bigger army but a not so great of a navy. The First Punic War started when Rome found out that Carthage was in Sicily. The first Punic war was won by Rome. The Second Punic War was started by a Carthaginian general named Hannibal. He invaded…show more content…
The island of Sicily was the cause to the fight between Carthage and Rome. Sicily was under Rome and Carthaginian control. Only one could be a power. Rome didn’t like the thought of Carthage being in Sicily. Because of this Rome and Carthage declared war on each other for the control of Sicily. This was the time that Rome started to build up their naval power. They built about 330 ships. Rome was well known for their great skills in land battles, but not at sea so they create a device called the “Corvus” which was a moveable gangplank. This was used to attach their ships to enemies’ ships and immobilize them. By doing this Rome was able to bring their land battle skills to the seas. Rome had the Corvus but it wasn’t enough to be level with the Carthaginian navy, they were superior and had the great general with great sea battle skills named Hamilcar Barca. He was well known for his speed in attacking anywhere. He struck without warning causing Rome to loose certain battles. But great thing always come to an end, Hamilcar ran out of supplies and troops. Carthage focused on keeping its wealth too much rather than focusing on winning the war, they relied on Hamilcar to do…show more content…
The Romans demanded for Carthage to hand over Hanibal who Sworn enemy to Rome, but Carthege refused which began the second Punic war. Hanibal was the younger son of the powerful general Hamilcar Barca, who died in 229 BCE. Even though Hamilcars son in law Hasdrubal was next in line to take over, after his death 221 B.C, hanniabl took over. As a child Hamilcar made him swear blood oath against Rome. Years later, once he marched his army across the Ebro River into Saguntum, an Iberian city under Roman protection, he virtually declared war on Rome. In the Second Punic War Hanibal did what no one thought was possible. He took his troops of 90,000, 12,000 cavalry and elephants to a march from Spain across the Alps and into Italy. This element of surprise cost Rome to loose many battle in Italy. Rome thought Carthage was coming from a different side but ended up surprising them on the opposite. Hanibal never loss a battle in Italy and this took a big toll on Rome. Hannibal’s was doing great and Rome was taking a beating. After many disastrous defeats, however, the Romans managed to take back what’s theirs, and the Carthaginians lost hold in Italy. Also another key factor that led Hannibal’s lost was reinforcement and supplies. After fighting many battles back to back his troops grew tired and they ran out of supply. Carthage couldn’t send reinforcement and supplies because it was too
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