I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

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All throughout life I have always been the type of person to help others without a second thought. No matter what was happening, I put it aside to assure that someone who I could help received what they needed. This being said, I honestly think I want to be a nurse. Other careers sound reasonable, stable or just something to bring in a paycheck, but being a nurse sounds like something I want to do and I think I will. Being a nurse means working hard, having integrity and patience, and looking out for the health of others. It’s a job that takes an extremely patient and kind hand all throughout the day. There is no slacking off when it comes to the health of others because they have families that care about them as well as we do. Being a nurse is a consistent, stable job considering there will always be people who need help. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for nurses is expected to rise with a growth of 16% from 2014 to 2024. Nursing job outlook is excellent considering there is more of a demand for doctors. An RN has an average salary of $67,490 annually. In order to get a degree in nursing the shortest time…show more content…
Midwives help goes from preconception to postpartum period, gyno care, write prescriptions, provides health knowledge and counseling for their patients. Considering the factor that a midwife helps women give birth, their working conditions are a little scattered. They can work obviously in a hospital, homes, military hospitals and university hospitals. Since most people want to have children at least at some point in their life, a midwife has a good job outlook with an expected growth of 31% from 2014 to 2024 and an average salary of $93,210. Even though being a female midwife may have its benefits of womanly instinct, you still need 6 to 10 years of schooling to be licensed to do this type of work. After all, you are handling two peoples creation, they’re going to want the best care
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