I Want To Be A Nurse Practitioner Essay

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Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote- The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward through the night. This coupulated with the notion of achieving tremendous things have been and remains to be my personal expression of guidance. This I have used to fuel my determination and perseverance in constantly attaining excellence in whatever endeavour I choose to pursue. I am a highly motivated, goal oriented and dedicated individual, and have thus, continually strived to set high standards for myself. I am extremely passionate about health care and assisting others to acquire and maintain optimal health. I am positive that these attributes would ensure my success in my future endeavors of becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I previously…show more content…
I have worked at Montefiore Medical Center for the past two years as Registered Nurse on a 31 bed Medical surgical Unit. I have had to opportunity to work with a wide array of patients. The knowledge and experience that I garnered has equipped me with indispensable tools and critical thinking skills on how to handle stressful situations in a professional, ethical, courteous and therapeutic manner. I am aware that maintaining these attributes are critical in order to be efficient, effective and successful in my chosen career field. In addition, I can honestly state that there is nothing I enjoy more than the daily interaction with patients; I feel elated when my patients have returned to their comfort level of functioning. Interacting with patients on a daily basis helps me to assist them by utilizing the skills that I possess in order to serve their needs, and abate their concerns. I am extremely zealous about becoming a Nurse Practitioner because the knowledge gained will help me to continue serving my

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