I Have A Dream Speech Summary

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The speech I read is the ‘I have a dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The speech was delivered on August 23, 1968, in the American Capital of Washington D. C. by a man many acclaimed to be a great revolutionary. However, there was nothing revolutionary about this man, rather, he was only affirming and restating the promises of the country’s founding fathers which is denied to certain people and enjoyed by the white supremacist. Some argued that the speech calls for the emancipation of the black (Negro) race, but it is more than advocating for a particular group of people, rather, the speech anticipates and speculate freedom and justice for all, irrespective of color, race, gender, and social status when the author said “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are…show more content…
First, the aspect where the author calls for eradicating prejudices and discrimination in the society; reminding the country that the constitution guarantees every citizen “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (B. McKay, 2008, para. 4). Additionally, the speech admonished the Negro not to gain their rightful place by being guilty of any wrongdoing. In other words, they were not to engage in violent activities that have the propensity of jeopardizing the gains or the actualization of their struggle. Of course, it is common to get agitated with the practices of discrimination and segregation, but the author demonstrated that peaceful declaration of intention can bring a lasting solution to their struggle. Undoubtedly, the most significant aspect of the speech that probably will live in my memory forever is when the author allegorically elucidates that everyone is equal, so they should not “be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” (B. McKay, 2008, para.
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