Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Speech

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Thousands of people line up from the Lincoln Monument to the Washington Monument. People of all races here to rally for equality. This was a time in history where blacks and other races were not treated well. There was need for a change. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Negro man who wanted to usher in this change. However, he did not raise his fists at the first chance he got. He admired Gandhi and how he peacefully protested. Dr. MLK Jr. even said that the oppressed must “meet physical force with soul force.” And peaceful protesting did work. When the Negro people were attacked during a peaceful protest, the aggressors are pinned as the antagonists. And finally, at the ‘March On Washington,’Martin Luther King Jr. gave a his famous “I Have A Dream…” speech. In this speech referred to great figures such as Abraham Lincoln (for he gave the speech in front of the Lincoln…show more content…
In sentences such as”This is is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or taking the tranquilizing drug of gradualism,” people cried out and cheered in chorus that rose to heightened crescendos. When people feel inspired, they have the drive to fight(not literally) for their goals. Martin Luther King had such a powerful voice that it already inspires those who hear it, but when added with metaphors his speech became doubly as powerful. Another place where people cheered was when MLK said, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.” This amplified his ethics of nonviolence through the people’s emotions. Some may say that there are other more effective ways to make people feel strong enough to rise up to reach their goals, but the metaphor uses the senses and emotion to appeal to their emotions and sentences. When people are motivated and rallied anything is possible. And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. rallied the listeners of his speech and changed equality for the
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