Hypothesis: Insecure Attachment Styles

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The purpose of study is to examine the whether Insecure Attachment styles predict depressive symptoms in adulthood and to explore gender differences in individuals with insecure attachment styles. Research Model: Hypothesis: 1. High scores on anxious attachment will lead to depressive symptoms during adulthood. 2. High scores on Avoidance attachment will lead to depressive symptoms during adulthood. 3. There will be a difference between males and females on Anxious and Avoidant attachment styles. Operational Definition of variables Insecure Attachment Styles Insecure Attachment styles is defined in terms of anxious attachment and Avoidant attachment. Anxious attachment is defined as the extent to which people are insecure verses secure…show more content…
The Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) questionnaire is a revised version of Brennan, Clark, and Shaver's (1998) Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) questionnaire. It consists of 36 items. The first 18 items comprise the attachment-related anxiety scale. Items 19–36 comprise the attachment-related avoidance scale. Items 9, 11, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35 and 36 are to be reversed scored. The items are scored on 7 point scale ranging from 1 (disagree strongly) to 7 (agree strongly). Scores range from 7 to 126 for Anxiety and Avoidance, respectively. Higher scores on the Anxiety and Avoidance subscales indicate higher attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance, respectively. Coefficient alphas of .91 and .94 for the Anxiety and Avoidance subscales. This scale provides separate score of insecure attachment styles in terms of avoidance and anxiety as compared to other attachment scales where clear differentiation of secure attachment and insecure attachment is not possible. So this scale will be helpful in context of present…show more content…
As a first step of data analysis reliability of both instruments will be measured. Later on the data will analyzed for hypothesis testing. The present study sought to investigate the Effect of Insecure Attachment styles on depressive symptoms in Adulthood. It also aimed to explore the difference between males and females on insecure attachment styles. Various statistical methods will be used to analyze the data. Alpha coefficients will be calculated to see the reliability of both instruments used in the present study. Similarly independent t- test will be used to determine the difference between males and females on insecure attachment styles. Lastly Regression will be used to determine whether insecure attachment styles predicts depressive symptom or

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