Hybrid Role In Nursing

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enthusiasm, and as staff pervaded almost every aspect of the interviews highly related to their experiences of the hybrid role. We could see that the way the managers approached their staff pointed towards similarities with the caring values associated with the nurse profession. This piece of data functioned as a starting point for the next round of analysis, where we tried to make sense of what we found so salient. Hence, this stage also lead us to formulate our second research question treating the aspect of how the nurse managers construct themselves in their managerial position, and what it imply for their experiences of their professional-managerial hybrid role. As our aim is to make sense of how nurse managers experience and also construct…show more content…
Moreover, our purpose has been to give a relatively thick description to achieve credibility, meaning in-depth illustration, taking consideration to important aspects of the context. Hence, give the reader the chance to conclude on the plausibility of our findings by showing rather than telling the reader what to think (Tracy, 2010). Ultimately, in order to increase, and open up for a better understanding of our research topic we have conducted both interviews and observations, and have been open to several theoretical viewpoints. The practice of using several methods and being open to different theoretical aspects, namely crystallization supports the credibility of our work (Tracy,…show more content…
Joffe and MacKenzie-Davey (2012) stress that professional hybrid work will most likely remain a difficult task. This argument is also stressed by Bolton (2003), who express that, so far it appears that the “roles of a nurse and a manager stand in such opposition that any form of cohabitation between the two could never be successful” (Bolton, 2003, p. 127). Kippist and Fitzgerald (2009) illustrate barriers to handle the duality of the role which the hybrid professional managers may encounter, such as lack of management education causing the manager to have a clinical view of management. Another barrier mentioned, is that the managers may feel more comfortable in their clinical setting and therefore give priority to clinical tasks (Kippist & Fitzgerald,

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