Essay On Internet Slang

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First of all, it is proved that the teenagers along with young adults are more proficient in internet slang than the adults. The adults answered correctly 42 times in 100 possible on internet slang, which demonstrates that the adults did not even reach 50% correct answers. Adult 3 was the only adult who answered correctly on all of the internet slang words. In comparison, adult 4 and 6 only received one correct answer. Judging by the result in table 2, adult 3 spends a generous amount of time interacting with the english language compared to adults 4 and 6, which can explain why adult 3 obtained more correct answers. Even though all three adults spend equally amount of time on social media they still got different results on the internet slang words. This may be…show more content…
Before there was internet slang, regular slang was separating different groups of people in society. As stated before, one subculture used the word “fink” for policeman whilst those who do not use slang simply say policeman. Now that internet slang has made its way the teenagers/young adults’ vocabularies (as shown in the results), the disparity has elevated. Not only is there a difference between those who use slang along with those who do not, there is now a difference between those who use internet slang (teenagers/young adults) as well as those who practise regular slang. Another consequence of social media is that is is spreading words rapidly which leads to the conclusion that more people can learn the word. In addition, this can loosen the barriers between people living on different places in the world. Before, it may have been hard for foreigners to understand british slang words, now when a lot of people understand internet slang (judging by the results from this study) it is easier to understand each other because internet slang is the same everywhere in the world. The side effect of this is that it can create a togetherness amongst

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