Humanism In Renaissance Art

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“Humanism- an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to the human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential and value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems” (Newman, 2014 web). Humanism first began in Northern Italy during the course of the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century later to spread its influence and expand to northern Europe. For the period of the Renaissance, Humanism had developed into the highest concentration or perhaps “obsession” and became the main subject for artists, scholars, writers, sculptors, and intellectuals of the time, gradually moving away from religious prospects and characters. Humanism consisted of developing a…show more content…
Former to the artistic epoch of the Renaissance existed the Medieval Age, in which inspirations for artwork were mainly focused on that of religious aspects surrounding Christianity and Catholic beliefs. The Medieval works of art were generally lifeless in the human form and movement, lacked the three dimensional aspects of true realism, the figures within the works were usually fully clothed, and emotional expressions were largely deficient although color was just as vibrant. However, During the Renaissance, The high interest in Humanism had flourished and was portrayed greatly into a new era of art creating life and movement in every masterpiece. A great example of Humanism reflected in Renaissance art work is Michelangelo’s sculpture piece “Pieta”, hand carved from stone. “Every detail on both Mary's body and Jesus' body were as realistic as

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