Human Resources Management: Strategic Human Resource Management

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INTRODUCTION The topic of my project for the course of Human Resource Management is Strategic Human Resource Management. First of all, I would like to define the term strategic human resource management. This term means formulating and executing human resource policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and behaviors the company needs to achieve its strategic aims. In today’s world, human resource managers face three basic strategic challenges, which are: • The need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts • Employees play an expanded role in employer’s performance improvement efforts • Human resource units must be more involved in designing – not just executing – the company’s strategic plan As…show more content…
Top management formulates the company’s corporate and competitive strategies. Then, the human resource manager designs strategies, policies, and practices that make sense in terms of company’s corporate and competitive strategies. • Strategy formulation role – in recent years, human resource management’s traditional role in executing strategy has expanded to include working with top management to formulate the company’s strategic plans. Globalization means more competition, more competition means more performance, and most employers are pursuing improved performance by boosting the competence and commitment levels of their employees. The company that I have chosen for analyzing strategic human resource management, or topic of this assignment paper, is Amko Komerc d.o.o., that is headquartered in Sarajevo. Reason for choosing this company is that I have relatively easy entry into the information needed for doing this…show more content…
Not just to hire these workers, but also to train them, supervise them, promote them, and so on. However, not all this is done by top management. Top management makes business plan, and decides what kind of personnel it needs for achieving their goals. They then give guidelines to middle-level managers and low-level managers who really take care of the employee’s competencies and behaviors. I would call this a successful combination of efforts that all managers
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