Human Development: The Three Components Of Human Behavior

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Human behavior is a phenomena on how an individual reacts on a specific scenario. It is the extend of mental, physical, emotional and social activities experienced by an individual through out his life. It includes external factors such as culture, values, society, moral, ethics and genetics. Several individual formulate concept on how an individual affects their behavior. (Eric Berne,1950) conceptualized the three ego states and defined it as a consistent pattern of feelings and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behavior. He named those ego states as Parent, Child and Adult. Parent is the representation of massive collection of recordings in the brain of external events experienced in approximately first…show more content…
Sample are; i'm thirsty, i need to get water and drink and I'm scared of the monster. Lastly the Adult state, this is where an individual process the data and come-up with decision based from the experience gathered (Parent and Child) and will be gathering during adult state. This is where the ideas/learning acquired from parent is being validated. Basically the three states can be summarize into concept of experienced from taught, felt, and learned simultaneously. This is similar to the study of (Sigmund Freud,2020) who conceptualized the three components of human personality. The ID, EGO and SUPER EGO wherein it needs to be well-balanced to produce a complex behavior. ID is the innate personality of a human being from the day that a child was born. It is the impulsive part of the brain that directly responds to instinct. i.e when someone is hungry the normal reaction of the person is to get food to feed his hunger or when you get burned, the person will feel pain and look for a way to ease it. EGO is the part of ID that has been modified by the direct influence of external world. This state is greatly influenced by norms, rules and etiquette. Lastly the SUPER…show more content…
The book has a series of games that address different aspects of life. One example is the POOR ME, the purpose of the game is to provide sympathy to people who are emotionally challenged. Secondary is to get social capital. The mechanics of the game is an individual will tell his/her story, another person must provide sympathy and concern. By being sympathetic, the person gain social capital and can ask something in return. This type of game is a complimentary transaction (Child-Adult) where in ego state must receive a response after giving the stimulus. This greatly help people who lack support and who are in a bad situation. In this exercise a stoke can greatly help since it is the fundamental unit of social action (Eric Berne). It is the form of recognition of an individual to another person either by verbal and non-verbal action. (Rene Spitz) observed that infants who were deprived of handling (strokes) were prone to emotional and physical difficulties. That study simple illustrate that any type of recognition positive or negative is important to an individual because it gives them the feeling of self worth that someone is recognizing their

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