Allen Goldhamer's Advocation Of Death

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The playwright’s use of specific diction extends beyond the scope of perceiving Death as merely the natural ending of Everyman’s life; it declares Death’s role as a servant of “Almighty God” who “fulfills His commandment” (Anonymous, Lines 64-65). Furthermore, … “it is God’s commandment, That all [to me] should be obedient” to Death, alluding to the idea that the playwright regards him as one who comes forth to condemn Everyman who “liveth beastly, Out of God’s laws” (Anonymous, Lines, 74-76,115-118). Equally significant, stands the playwright’s advocation of Death as a provocateur of the philosophical evolution of dying. To clarify, author Allen Goldhamer states the intellectual process of dying consists of five transitionary stages: denial,…show more content…
His inability to recognize Death as one who “rest [s] every man…and spareth [no ma] no one”, illustrates not only his arrogant blithe attitude towards life, but most emphatically, denial of his impending demise (Anonymous, Line 115). Transitioning to the bargaining stage of the dying process, Everyman attempts to subvert the inevitable by offering his “goodwill” to Death, if “he [thee] will be kind…And defer this matter till another day” thus further indicating his refusal to recognize the severity of his situation (Anonymous, Lines 121-123). Moreover, the playwright’s use of dramatic irony promotes Everyman’s notion that his earthly possessions yield any bargaining influence over Death. Such humorous irony serves not only to capture the attention of the audience, but also to elicit their sympathy toward the unenlightened Everyman (Tanner, 1991,…show more content…
Author, Phoebe Spinrad, parallels the sinful characters responsible for enticing Everyman to the five temptations of the Ars Moriendi one encounters in the process of dying; (1) temptation against faith; (2) temptation to despair (3) temptation to impatience (4) temptation to vainglory and (5) temptation to avarice or attachment to mankind and possessions (Spinrad1985, pgs.186-187). Distraught over his inability to reason with Death, Everyman seeks comfort in his confidantes. He first encounters Fellowship, who despite his willingness to “eat, drink…haunt to women…and kill any man” as a show of solidarity for Everyman, yet refuses to accompany him (Anonymous, Lines 272-273, 281). “Lo Fellowship forsaketh him [me] in his [my] most need”, Everyman then turns his attention to Kindred and Cousin who also reply “ye shall go alone…For verily we [I] will not go with you” (Anonymous, Lines 305,318, 354, and 374). Liken to the previous temptations, Goods, “piled so high… also ‘sings another song’…and follows no man in such voyages” (Anonymous, Lines 394,

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