How To Read Literature Like A Professor Analysis

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Literature has never been easy. With so many meanings across the literary spectrum, a character or the setting could be a symbol, a metaphor, or anything possible. In the end, literature can be very confusing. Dwelling inside a single paragraph could be a wide abundance of meaning or hidden messages. To this day, it only gets harder to understand. How to Read Literature Like a Professor, written by literature teacher Thomas C. Foster, only drilled the information without clarity whatsoever. This book has only made the literary field more confusing. Knowing that every single aspect of a book means something entirely different, it only stirs the entire English language into a field of misunderstanding. Even after reading Foster's work, reading this much into literature still refuses to make sense. It seems that…show more content…
Every thought is simply copied and then slightly edited to fit the author. With every book read, connections appear. Character traits seem familiar, plot devices seem alike. stories will be the exact same with cosmetic changes. All of this , to literary critics is known as intertextuality. In Foster's words intertextuality is “the on going interaction between poems & stories.” (Foster 34.) Every story written, regardless if it is a mere short story or a 1,000 page novel, Foster's major example compared Tim O'Brien's novel Going after Cacciato to the classic Lewis Carroll tale Alice in Wonderland. O'Brien has his characters fall through a hole in the road... The squad discovers bellow the road , the network of Vietcong tunnels... every bit as much an alternative world as the one Alice encounters in her adventure.”(Foster 30) Foster shows that O'Brien simply put took this classic moment from Lewis Carroll, and repackaged it to fit Going After Cacciato and it's plot. Connections are always in literature, but to foster, it seems like every author is really just plagiarizing each with every book or story ever

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