Use Of Power In Macbeth

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An idea such as power establishes itself in most societies throughout the world. Power sets the basis for order and civilization, but it also causes chaos and collides with other human instincts such as greed and ambition. Power presents itself in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth in a confusing manner. Macbeth yearns to gain power and has the means to gain it but the method of his gaining of power have been questioned by critics since its inscription in 1623. Macbeth, while tyrannical in gaining his power in the murdering of Duncan, sets the premise for the story and in this murder makes a name for himself on his leadership qualities. A man’s gain of power should not determine who they are as a ruler or even as a person, but the use of the power…show more content…
The only evidence are the words of the people and the reasoning behind these words are obsolete since there is no legitimate reason behind them. Similar to rulers of the time Macbeth took his initiative and drive to become a ruler and made it a reality. Bernad in his article expresses his opinion on the reasoning behind the multiple murders Macbeth commits, “such a man eventually comes to hate, not only his enemies because they are evil to him, but any good man precisely because he is good. (1)” This statement seems utterly false, since it seems as if Bernad depicts Macbeth as a jealous figure. The only accurate depiction of Macbeth would be paranoid and possessive of his position. There is correlation or attribution of jealously to the reasons of his killings. He kills the people he feels are the greatest threat and kills to survive. Admittedly, this reasoning still does not excuse his reasoning it better justifies the killings. The slander of Macbeth is hypocritical when speaking of traitorous and uncaring. If Macbeth is to be slandered for his reasons of murders then the people should be slandered for their reactions to the deaths. The people on society at the time of Duncan’s murder reacted little and were almost uncaring in Duncan’s death. The reactions did not change until the people discovered that their “humble” king’s hands were the ones splattered with Duncan’s…show more content…
In contrast however, the same cannot be stated pertaining to his mental strength. “Power uses everything and everyone, even those who have it. (2)” The validity of this statement aids one in understanding the premise behind power and how easily the holder of power can change. Macbeth sought power for good intentions and uses and yet as his power increases his sanity decreases and the power he holds corrupts his moral conscious. The deterioration is shown through the increase in hallucinations, strange behaviors, and the eventual state of heartlessness. Macbeth becomes so overwhelmed by power and the accumulation of the murders he has committed that at the news of his wife’s death no reaction is given, only a statement saying that it was bound to happen at some point. He continues to describe life as a brief moment and after that moment ends no one remembers or cares. “To make power into the raison d'etre of politics is aberrant; to keep it at a safety distance is illusory. (2)” A final statement of power to sum up the concept of the story and premise of this work. Attempting to keep power out of politics or any type or ruling is an absurd notion since as I have mentioned previously power is part of human instinct and nature. As much as society would love for struggles of power not to be part of politics it is an impossible

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