How Does Golding Present The Nature In Lord Of The Flies

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William Golding captures human nature in its rawest fashion in his novel Lord of the Flies, where a group of young boys is marooned on a deserted island and must step up to survive and keep order in hopes to be rescued. The story focuses upon the protagonist, 12-year-old Ralph, a natural and responsible leader who is elected chief of the boys early on. Ralph’s “sidekick” Piggy, plays the brains in the band of boys and is often a target of the other boys ridicule due to his weight and asthma. The antagonist in Lord of the Flies is another older boy Jack. Jack competes with Ralph for power over the island and is envious of Ralph winning the title of chief, and becomes a lead hunter for the boys. The novel takes place in the near future during a nuclear war. The British boys fly from their country to safety from the war, but their plane crash lands on a Pacific island, leaving them…show more content…
Just after the rough landing, Piggy and Ralph meet, realizing their situation of being stranded without adults and needing to be rescued. Piggy finds a big conch shell and they devise the idea that blowing it will round up the other boys from the flight so they can work together to survive and find safety. The boys elect Ralph as their leader to implement order on this uninhabited island. Since Jack is hurt from not being elected, Ralph deems him in charge of his fellow choirboys and asks them to be the hunters. The boys also try to establish a system of laws by deciding rules such as only being able to speak at meetings if you are holding the conch shell. The conch begins to symbolize order as time goes on. At the first meeting where Ralph is elected, he stresses the importance of having constant fire so if a boat passes by the people on board will see the smoke and come to rescue the boys. At the mention of fire, the boys uncontrollably clamber up the mountain to build

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