How Does 9/11 Affect Our Society

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I was three years old when America experienced it’s deadliest terrorist attack, 9/11. America suffered extremely on this day but not only was America affected, this day would forever change the lives of Muslims and Arabians everywhere. After the attack, people began calling Arabians terrorists and suddenly they became a threat to the country. I was born and raised in America, but after the attack people no longer saw me as a fellow American, they saw me as a dangerous child with a dangerous background. At the age of nine I was told by a classmate “it’s your fault 9/11 happened.” I never understood how an innocent nine year old child could be blamed for such a travesty. I was no terrorist and I certainly did…show more content…
During my middle school years not only were the students prejudice towards me but also some teachers. My seventh grade reading teacher constantly tormented me during class and treated me extremely unfair when he discovered I was half Arabian. My mother was constantly at the school throughout my childhood arguing with administrators and teachers due to the verbal abuse I experienced. I thought my experience at nine years old was traumatic little did I know, the harsh reality that my adult family members experienced. After 9/11, America struck back. America cut ties with all Arabians and no longer wanted to employ them. Due to my fathers middle eastern accent and appearance, he was no longer able to find work. He was forced to wear a cowboy hat and boots in order to blend in with the Texan community. One did not have to be from the Middle East to be affected by America’s racial retaliation, being married to one was enough. My mother coached a youth soccer team that consisted of fifty kids a lot of which were military. After the attack, it did not matter that her brothers and her father were all in the Marine corp. It did not matter that she was born in this country, she was a threat
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