Neolithic Revolution: Rise Of Civilization

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FOUNDATIONS(c. 8000 - 600 B.C.E) UNIT OVERVIEW 1. What events mark the beginning and end of this period? The foundations period began with the Neolithic revolution. This revolution brought agriculture to a previously hunter/gathering people. This period ends with the decline of the river valley civilizations. The change from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary lifestyle of farming gave more control over food production, and allowed for people to stay in one spot rather than chasing animals all over the place. 2. Why was the Neolithic Revolution critical for the rise of civilization? It was significant because this age brought the idea of farming and agriculture. This allows for a sedentary lifestyle by allowing food to be produced at your…show more content…
What events began and ended this period in world history? This period began when the classical empires fell (for example the fall of Rome). This was due to disorder and chaos in the face of social and political struggles. It also ends with the end of the mongols because the next era begins with Columbus’s discovery of the new world, which happens right after. 2. What developments define the Post-Classical Era? One defining point would be the spread of major religions ( buddhism, christianity, islam). Religion was important because of the disorder and chaos that was caused because of the decline of the classical empires. What do people do when there is disorder? They seek security and hope through religion. With faith comes the power to unify, and with the power to unify comes the ability to create a new empire. 3. What new civilization arose and how did it influence other, older cultures? The Islamic Empires rose in the middle east. They influenced Europeans by preserving the ideas and projects of the Hellenistic period, while furthering their scientific discoveries. These advancements would be rediscovered at a later time. The Muslim empires also blended both religion and…show more content…
The demand for cheap labor in the America, due to the need to create as much crop as possible, meant that they needed slaves. Coerced labor became a major part of the new world economy. No longer were slaves just prisoners of war and people of conquered lands, they were now merchandise. Slaves were transported across the atlantic like any other goods and were sold and traded mostly in the americas. A big part of the new world economy was triangular trade. 6. How would you describe labor systems during this period? Almost everyone was using forced labor. The Americas were where most of the slaves were. This is because thats where most of the plantations were. Still in other places like Russia, serfs will still their main way of labor, but really serfs and slaves aren’t that much different. 7. What global exchanges occurred and how did they affect the globe? Many kinds of exchanges occurred around the globe. Disease was spread through trade. For example when europeans came to the Americas, they killed 90% of the natives. Disease from the new world also came to europe but the casualties were nothing compared to that of the native americans. Foods like potatoes created populations booms. Europe brought over horses and other farm animals to the new world as well. The Slave trade was brutal and decreased populations in africa. Europe also gave africa weapons and other technologies which were used in africa to fight each other and

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