How Did Huck Finn Change

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Up until the ending of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck, the main character and narrator of the story, is portrayed as a changed person with more moral character and a stronger sense of doing what he believes is right. This is until Tom returns and Huck reverts back to his old ways. Cox states that, “Without question, there is a change when Tom Sawyer reappears. The narrative movement changes from one of adventure to burlesque-a burlesque which, in place of Huck’s sincere but helpless involvement in freeing a real slave, puts Tom Sawyer’s relatively cruel yet successful lark of freeing a slave already free” (351). Cox is agreeing with the fact that Huck’s and Tom’s escape plan for Jim was one in which there was less sincerity and seriousness…show more content…
Huck was able to improve morally and he was able to do what was right, yet with the arrival of Tom, Huck loses his progress by not thinking about Jim, and what he has gone through when they attempt to rescue him. For one Jim had to cut himself to write in blood and had to stay in the hut for longer than necessary. Thus hindering Huck’s moral development that he went through when Huck does not think about the suffering Jim endures Huck is no longer thinking for himself, instead he is following Tom’s orders like he did in the beginning of the book, showing no progress on Huck’s behalf. In addition, Marx agrees with Cox on the fact that after Tom reappears, Huck falls under Tom’s influence once again as someone who is gullible and submissive, but Marx continues on by claiming that, Jim ceases to be a man: “He allows Huck and “Mars Tom” to fill his hut with rats and snakes, “and every time a rat bit Jim he would get up and write a line in his journal whilst the ink was fresh” (341). Because of Tom’s and Huck’s antics, making Jim write in blood, Jim is no longer treated like a human anymore showing that Huck no longer thinks about how his actions were affecting

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