Huckleberry Finn Relationships

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Relationships between people can fluctuate for various reasons, but experiences can affect relationships the most. Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” shows how relationships between people can be affected through experiences or overtime. The book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” shows the story of Huck and his slave friend Jim traveling down the Mississippi and shows their experiences along the way .” The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is really a story about how relationships can change through experience. Huck feels that what he is doing with Jim is morally wrong, and Jim should be turned in because he is a runaway slave. On page 139, Twain states,” Let up on me - it ain’t too late, yet - I’ll paddle ashore at the first…show more content…
He changed how he felt about turning Jim into slave catchers during this period because Jim had previously been talking about buying or stealing his wife and child out of slavery. This shows that Jim and Huck’s relationship changed because of what Jim had been talking about. Huck had been thinking about turning in Jim because he said his conscience was telling him he needed to as Twain says on page 138. Huck’s conscience was being affected by what other people told his was morally right or wrong. Huck heard from people around him for his whole life that slavery was wrong and that affected his conscience and the way he felt about it. This shows that through his experiences around other people his views on slavery were changed or affected. Huck played a trick on Jim when he hung his hat from the branch making him believe it was witches, as stated on page 9. Huck hadn’t had any experiences up to this point with Jim and…show more content…
On page 97 Twain says,” Git up and hump yourself, Jim! There ain’t a minute to lose! They’re after us!” In this passage Huck was saying to Jim that he needed to get up and leave Jackson’s island because there were people with dogs after them. Huck was defending Jim after they had spent time together on the island and Jim had talked with Huck and made him feel more safe. Huck’s view on Jim as this point had changed from when he was a slave. When Jim was a slave Huck thought of him as property. As Huck and Jim spent time together on the island Huck started to feel as though he needed to protect Jim because Jim was trying to help and protect him. Huck’s view on Jim changed in this passage because of their experiences on the island together. On page 135 Twain states,” It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger - but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn’t do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn’t done that one if I’d a knowed it would make him feel that way.” In this passages Huck is talking about when he played a trick on Jim telling him that he was never gone and the whole experience in the fog was a dream. Huck didn’t realize it was going to make Jim feel bad but when he saw it did he worked himself up to go and apologize to him. Huck wouldn’t have apologized to Jim if Jim hadn’t been kind to him and tried to save Huck
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