Huckleberry Finn's Moral Growth

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It is often said that right way is not always the popular way, but standing for what is right, despite it being frowned upon, is a true test of one’s moral character. This relates moral growth the Huck Finn experiences throughout his journey. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, though often seen as a controversial novel, is a compelling story about how one individual, Huck Finn, is able to go against the ideals of society despite it being perceived as immoral. One’s moral developments can be said to be how one will act towards others based on their own beliefs. As for Huck, his morals are based primarily on those around him including Miss Watson and Jim. This also includes instances, especially during his raft journey, that influenced…show more content…
The Duke and King, who are nothing more than “low-down humbugs and frauds” (Twain 137), consequently met Huck and Jim on the river. In a way Huck’s moral growth is more prominent upon meeting them, because they serves as a reminder to Huck of what he could become. This allows Huck to continuously question his morals because he is faced with numerous instances where he must decide if not only the Duke and King’s actions acceptable, but if his are as well. When Huck began “to tremble to see [others’] danger,” (Twain161) that became the start of his greatest moral growth. This became the start of his moral growth because he came to understand the feeling of pity and compassion to others who were victims to the Duke and King’s actions. The most evident instance of this development is during the time they sold Jim out in order to obtain a measly amount of money. During this occurrence Huck “declares that he will take up the wickedness, separating himself from Tom and others in society,” (Sloane 122). By declaring that he will take up wickedness, Huck displays his decision to go against society and follow his own beliefs in order to protect Jim. Huck, however, would not have come to this decision to go against society if it were no for the Duke and King’s never-ending

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