Hotels: Difference Between Four Types Of Hotels

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Introduction: - Hotels are the establishment which provides accommodation, food and other services for travelers and tourist throughout the year. The establishment in able to be called a hotel must have a minimum of six rooms and a restaurant to sell meals. Hotels are classified into (1 star to 7 stars) hotels. Facilities in hotels may go from an essential bed and storage for clothing, to extravagance components like en-suite bathrooms. Bigger hotels may give additional facilities to customers, for example, a swimming pool, business center, childcare, meeting offices and social capacity services. (wikipidea, 2015) Differences and elements of accommodation: - • Difference between four types of accommodation:- • BED AND BREAKFAST: - A bed and breakfast is an…show more content…
Hotels never forgot to say thank you, you’re welcome, and have a good evening/morning. Good manners are essential for success. Good hotels are always consistent and that is why they find themselves with repeat customers • Facilities and cleanliness: -Every customer has a right to get a clean hotel; there is no chance that a good hotel has a dirty lobby, room or back of the house. Facilities and more facilities are leisurely to the customers as the more you provide, the more they will enjoy it and return back. • Quality and Advertising: - For a hotel to be successful, it must provide quality food and services to its customers so that they get satisfied. For the expansion and to grow the business even more advertising must be there in order to attract more customers. (diffen, 2015) • Key elements of a Motel: - • Pricing: - Motels as compared to hotels are very cheap and can be afforded by even middle class people. • Location:

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