Essay On Desert Safari

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When Dubai comes to mind, the picture of majestic desert, sparkling skyscrapers, and pristine beaches stand in front our eyes. What makes it an apt for solo travelers and families looking for vacation is its great potential in offering leisure, thrill, and fun. When one has to rate the most happiest moment of Dubai vacation, within no seconds, the answer would be desert safari. In fact, most of tourists, whether traveling for the first time or on a repeat visit, put it on the top of 'must-to-do' list. But to enjoy the best desert safari in Dubai, you have to select the best safari company. If you are missing this vital point and book it randomly with an unknown tour company, or freelancers working for tour operators, it could make or break your experience. Therefore, it will be better to spend a few minutes and read this excerpt on…show more content…
But the number of guests they cater to can be above 500. In case you love being among crowd, it is a better choice to pick. However, you won't get personalized service and have to wait in a long queue for dinner. Small private camps: This type of camp is arrange for a smaller number of people, say around 100. The advantages of opting it is that you will receive good service, food, and entertainment facilities. It is most suitable for couples and families looking for a special moment. Private camp: If you value enjoyment more than money, then there is no alternative to this type of camp. The safari company deploy one staff to cater to four guests. You can enjoy privacy, luxury, and personal attention. Research the safari company Since desert safari is popular with tourists, many have climbed on the bandwagon to grab a share of your dollars. They are safari wholesalers who claim themselves as a safari company, but work for others. So do your research thoroughly and find out for which safari company they are

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