Horrible Things Character Analysis

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People have many different opinions on many different things, including a statement once spoken by Elie Wiesel, I agree with the statement “that being a neutral by stander helps those who are evil; that remaining silent encourages even more evil to happen” because knowing something and not taking action encourages bad decisions, another reason why I agree with this statement is that not saying something causes people to think that they can get away with anything.Knowing something and not taking action encourages more bad decisions. What I mean by this is, if people are led to think they are doing something right they will keep doing it, this can also be interpreted that people make more bad decisions because they think they can get away with it.…show more content…
Which in the end they are correct because no one says anything, this brings me to my next example from the book "Terrible Things", “We have come for every bushy-tailed creature who lives in the clearing” This one is showing how they know that no one is going to say anything. Because on the first example it was their first time doing something bad but know they are making another bad choice because they know that no one is going to do or say anything to stop them. Therefore, if people think they can get away with something they will do it, so speak up, and take action. In the book Night it shows many examples of how not saying anything causes people to think that they can get away with anything. What I mean by this is if people think they can get away

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