Am I Being Catfished Summary

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Assignment #3- Analysis Paragraph In the article “Am I being catfished?” by Kathleen Hale, published by The Guardian on October 17th 2014, Kathleen says, “On the one hand, I was satisfied that Blythe Harris was a catfish. But part of me still longed to hear Judy say, “I am Blythe” and to explain, and then to laugh about it with me so we could become friends through admittedly weird circumstances. The mystery didn’t feel 100% solved.” (p.6). When Blythe hides behind a screen to invest so much time and energy into maintaining her false identity, it allows her to avoid facing Kathleen as well as it requires less courage and provides the illusion that she won’t get caught. According to Kathleen Hale, one of the reasons why Blythe does the things she does, is because…show more content…
She lied about her age being 27 when really she was 46, being a grade 10 teacher but really sells disability insurance, being a wife and mother of two children and had an online false identity. This shows she’s lonely, bored and wants to cause trouble. As well as she doesn’t feel confident in who she really is and she is scared to reveal herself. Therefore, with Blythe’s behaviour it helps cope with her low self-esteem, “Why would someone who sells disability insurance pose as a teacher online?” (p.4) Kathleen questions. Another reason why Blythe does the things she does, is because she wants to receive attention, feel valued, fit in and feel like she has power, control and to be leader. She went out of her way to warn other readers that Kathleen’s characters were rape apologists and slut-shamers. She also accused Kathleen’s book of mocking everything from domestic abuse to PTSD. Accordingly to Kathleen Hale, she believes Blythe thinks her behavior is normal and socially acceptable, especially when other individuals

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